Cześć Kochani!
Czyż nie jest wspaniała? Mój nowy zakup. Barbie Filipiny z serii Dolls of The World z 2012 roku.
W oryginale ta lalka wyglądała zupełnie inaczej. Wszyłem jej nowe długie włosy i dałem nowe ruchome ciało Made To Move. Teraz mogę wreszcie ją Wam zaprezentować. Sesja bardzo klasyczna i elegancka. Myślę, że pasuje to do jej urody.
Wasz Charlie :-*
Hi everyone!
This is my new Barbie Philippines from the series Dolls of The World from 2012.
In the original, this doll looked completely different. I sewed her new long hair and gave me a new Made To Move mobile body. Now I can present it to you at last. Session very classic and elegant. I think it suits her beauty.
Charlie: - *
This is my new Barbie Philippines from the series Dolls of The World from 2012.
In the original, this doll looked completely different. I sewed her new long hair and gave me a new Made To Move mobile body. Now I can present it to you at last. Session very classic and elegant. I think it suits her beauty.
Charlie: - *